Increased self-awareness for you and your teams.
Insights Discovery is a four-color model which helps people understand more about and others. It is helpful on an individual self-awareness level, and also in team development.
Sarah has been using Insights Discovery for years
to help her clients better understand how to interact with others in ways that increase productivity and reduce interpersonal conflict. Insights is easy to understand and apply and can create a common language within a team or organization.
Familiar with Meyers-Briggs or DiSC? Learn more about Insights Discovery compared to Meyers-Briggs or DiSC through the links below
Gain more understanding about your own preferences and how you can communicate more effectively with others, build stronger relationships and better leverage your strengths. You'll be able to attend a individual coaching call or group session to learn how to understand and use the information in your profile.
Teams can learn so much about how to work with each other, and how to avoid conflicts and pitfalls that result from lack of understanding through and Insights team session. Each team member will receive their individual profile, and then as a group learn more about Insights and review how the Insights composition of the team can be best considered to help the team succeed.